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Adoption of $42 million combined municipal budget for 2020 tabled to May 13

The Town Council on May 6, 2019 tabled its decision on a $42 million combined municipal budget for 2019-20 until May 13.

The proposed general-fund budget for town, school and county services is up 6.5 percent over this year, and poses a tax rate of $19.76, up 3.9 percent over this year. [download summary]. The 74-cent tax-rate increase would add $259 to the bill on a home valued at $350,000. The school portion of the budget is subject to approval in a townwide validation referendum June 11.

Traditionally the council tables budget adoption until after a public hearing so that councilors have time to consider public comment. The May 6 hearing, however, drew no speakers.

The draft budget includes $300,000 in net revenues anticipated from a proposed parking-fee program at Fort Williams Park. Councilors on May 13 are also expected to vote on whether to implement the program, which will establish parking fees for out-of-town visitors from May 1-Nov. 1. [news article]

The budget also includes $189,000 for a school-facilities needs assessment, recommended by a study committee representing a wide variety of stakeholders. The committee met four times this fall to tour facilities, conduct interviews and to determine whether a formal assessment is needed. Last year's school-budget proposal included $249,000 for an engineering and architectural feasibility study, but the council did not approve that funding, calling instead for more community involvement in determining the need. [news article]

In other matters, the council on May 6 approved nine special-fund budgets, with total revenues of revenues of $3,464,314 and expenditures of $4,177,573:

Special Fund Budgets 2020

  Budget Estimated Budget Estimated Budget $ Change % Change
Expenditures FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2020 2019 to 2020 2019 to 2020
Cape Elizabeth Rescue Fund   $   447,336  $   429,161  $   539,200  $   529,700  $   549,917  $      10,717 2.0%
Cape Elizabeth Sewer Fund  $2,099,300  $2,178,559  $2,161,346  $2,025,045  $2,112,871  $    (48,475) -2.2%
Spurwink Church Fund  $       9,209  $       7,990  $     10,491  $       6,859  $     10,491  $             -   0.0%
Riverside Cemetery Fund  $     57,328  $     54,235  $     66,589  $     59,362  $     56,043  $    (10,546) -15.8%
Fort Williams Park Capital Fund  $   264,135  $   258,885  $   173,246  $   170,398  $   290,975  $    117,729 68.0%
Portland Head Light Fund  $   560,643  $   615,663  $   628,035  $   635,000  $   670,241  $      42,206 6.7%
Thomas Jordan Fund  $     52,035  $     12,035  $     37,035  $     11,910  $     37,035  $             -   0.0%
Infrastructure Improvement Fund   $            -    $            -    $            -        $             -   #DIV/0!
Land Acquisition Fund   $            -    $            -    $   167,714  $   167,714  $            -    $   (167,714) -100.0%
Senior Citizen Tax Relief      $     75,000  $     65,000  $     75,000  $             -   0.0%
Use of General Fund carry Forward  $   317,400  $   317,400  $   375,000  $   375,000  $   375,000  $             -   0.0%
Total Budget  $3,807,386  $3,873,928  $4,233,656  $4,045,988  $4,177,573  $    (56,083) -1.3%
  Budget Estimated Budget Estimated Budget $ Change % Change
Revenues  FY 2018 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2020 2019 to 2020 2019 to 2020
Cape Elizabeth Rescue Fund   $   390,000  $   280,000  $   300,000  $   310,000  $   325,000  $      25,000 8.3%
Cape Elizabeth Sewer Fund  $2,028,300  $2,040,270  $2,032,300  $2,032,000  $2,040,300  $        8,000 0.4%
Spurwink Church Fund  $       4,700  $         900  $       1,200  $       1,200  $       1,200  $             -   0.0%
Riverside Cemetery Fund  $     44,300  $     69,000  $     67,000  $     68,000  $     66,000  $      (1,000) -1.5%
Fort Williams Park Capital Fund  $   201,355  $   204,225  $   199,800  $   216,700  $   270,700  $      70,900 35.5%
Portland Head Light Fund  $   576,000  $   676,000  $   636,000  $   708,900  $   688,200  $      52,200 8.2%
Thomas Jordan Fund  $     40,000  $     40,000  $     40,000  $     40,000  $     40,000  $             -   0.0%
Infrastructure Improvement Fund   $            -    $            -    $            -    $            -    $            -    $             -   0.0%
Land Acquisition Fund   $     32,914  $     32,914  $   112,914  $     32,914  $     32,914  $    (80,000) -70.9%
Total Revenues  $3,317,569  $3,343,309  $3,389,214  $3,409,714  $3,464,314  $      75,100 2.2%

Budget Summary
Fiscal Year  2020

  FY 2019 FY 2020 $ Change % Change
   BUDGET  BUDGET FY 19  to FY 20 FY 19 to FY 20
TOTAL MUNICIPAL  $      12,368,374  $      13,388,395  $        1,020,021 8.2%
COUNTY ASSESSMENT  $        1,392,240  $        1,456,670  $             64,430 4.6%
Local Homestead Exemption  $           300,000  $           300,000  $                    -   0.0%
SCHOOL DEPARTMENT  $      25,392,276  $      26,890,420  $        1,498,144 5.9%
   $      39,452,890  $      42,035,485  $        2,582,595 6.5%
TOTAL MUNICIPAL  $        5,032,007  $        5,513,400  $           481,393 9.6%
FWP PAY AND DISPLAY REVENUE    $           300,000  $           300,000  
SCHOOL DEPARTMENT  $        1,768,977  $        2,098,487  $           329,510 18.6%
TOTAL  $        6,800,984  $        7,911,887  $        1,110,903 16.3%
NET TO TAXES        
TOWN  SERVICES  $        7,336,367  $        7,574,995  $           238,628 3.3%
Local Homestead Exemption  $           300,000  $           300,000  $                    -   0.0%
COUNTY ASSESSMENT  $        1,392,240  $        1,456,670  $             64,430 4.6%
SCHOOL DEPARTMENT  $      23,623,299  $      24,791,933  $        1,168,634 4.9%
TOTAL  $      32,651,906  $      34,123,598  $        1,471,692 4.5%
TAX RATES (Rounded to nearest ยข)        
 Local Homestead Exemption  $                0.17  $                0.17  $                    -   0.0%
TOTAL MUNICIPAL  $                4.27  $                4.39  $                0.11 2.6%
COUNTY ASSESSMENT  $                0.81  $                0.84  $                0.03 4.0%
SCHOOL DEPARTMENT  $              13.76  $              14.36  $                0.60 4.4%
TOTAL  $              19.02  $              19.76  $                0.74 3.9%
TAX RATE VALUATION BASIS  $ 1,716,471,800  $ 1,727,000,000  $  10,528,200.00 0.6%