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Strategic plan chief among School Board goals for 2018-19

Developing a new strategic plan for Cape Elizabeth schools is No. 1 on the list of School Board goals for 2018-19.

The School Board on Oct. 9, 2018 adopted a list of four goals for the year, drafted at a half-day retreat on Sept. 25.

"There are only four (goals) but in general they're broad," said board Chair Susana Measelle Hubbs. "(The) new strategic plan is a huge deal, and we're going to begin approaching it formally in January."

Measelle Hubbs also highlighted the third goal for implementing the facilities study. The goal, she said, mirrors what the Comprehensive Plan 2019 Committee is planning to submit to the Town Council at the end of this year.

Here is the list of adopted goals:

Cape Elizabeth School Board 2018-19 Goals
Download goals as pdf

  1. Develop a new strategic plan.
  2. Define and implement a collaborative and proactive budget development process that  includes stakeholders such as Town Council and community members.
  3. Participate with the Town Council in the formation of a committee composed of all stakeholders to fund and finalize the School Facilities Study plan.  Implement the findings of the plan by making strategic investments which will modernize and repair aging school buildings and grounds, as well as maximize student learning and safety.  
  4. Cultivate and leverage  community involvement with the Cape Elizabeth School District.