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Assessor reminds property owners of tax saving exemptions

Cape Elizabeth property owners, did you know that you can reduce your tax bill by applying for the Homestead Exemption, Veteran's Exemption and Blind Exemption, if you qualify? 

Contact the Assessing Department at 207-799-1619 and to see if you are already receiving these exemptions.  If not, they can send you the appropriate application or you can download it from the town's website.

Friendly reminder that applications must be submitted to the assessor on or before April 1.

Homestead Exemption is for homeowners that have owned a home in Maine for 12 months prior to April 1, may be eligible for up to a $20,000 reduction in their permanent residence property's valuation (adjusted by the town's certified sales ratio, may be less than $20,000).

Veteran's Exemption is for veterans who were honorably discharged and the owner is 62 years of age or if a widow/widower (who has not been remarried) of a qualifying Veteran; proof of service and discharge, such as a copy of their DD214, is required. If they own a residence in Cape Elizabeth on April 1st of the tax year, they may be eligible for up to a $6,000 reduction in valuation, also adjusted by the town's certified ratio. 

Blind Exemption is for homeowners who have been declared legally blind by their physician are entitled to an exemption up to $4,000. Deadline for filing application is April 1.

All exemptions remain with the property until the owner sells or changes their place of residency.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call, email or stop by the Assessing Office. Clinton Swett, town assessor, can be reached at or 207-799-1619.