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Town considering request to help buy 52-acre expansion of Robinson Woods

The Cape Elizabeth Land Trust is asking the town's help in buying a nearly 52-acre parcel that would expand their existing Robinson Woods conservation lands.

The Town Council on Dec. 11, 2017 referred to a future workshop a request from the Land Trust for a $281,666 contribution toward the purchase of what would become Robinson Woods III, a 51.9-acre parcel next to the existing 145-acre Robinson Woods preserves, also owned by the Land Trust. The request represents a third of the $845,000 sale price.

"In our opinion, the addition to the Robinson preserve will provide significant benefits to all members of our community not only now but into the future," said Cindy Krum, executive director of the Land Trust, in a letter requesting the funds.

The letter outlines the town's history in supporting Land Trust acquisitions, including $250,000 toward the $750,000 purchase of Robinson Woods I in 2000; and $350,000 towards the $1.1 million purchase of Robinson Woods II in 2012.

In 2016, the council agreed to contribute $75,000 toward the Land Trust's $315,000 purchase of a 21-acre parcel now called Great Pond Preserve [news article]. The town worked with the Land Trust on the placement of trails in that parcel, which, through a public-access easement held by the town, would also be the case for Robinson Woods III, Krum's letter said.