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Harbors Committee deadline extended, proposal for Renewable Energy panel sent back to committee

The deadline for the town's Harbors Committee was extended, and a proposal for a new Renewable Energy Committee was sent back for reworking by the Town Council at their meeting Dec. 11, 2017.

Creation of a new, standing Renewable Energy Committee was a recommendation of the Alternative Energy Committee that met during 2016. The ordinance subcommittee of the Town Council drafted a charge and set of duties for the new panel, but councilors on Dec. 11 said they believed the committee's objectives needed to be broadened and also made more explicit.

Jessica Sullivan, Town Council chair, added a stipulation that the committee consider adding proposed Renewable Energy Committee duties to the charge of the existing Recycling Committee. "Say, 'Recycling, Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Committee,' similar to what South Portland has," Sullivan said. "I'm not sure we really need one more standing committee in town."

Harbors Committee deadline extended

In another committee matter, the council voted to grant a request from the Harbors Committee to extend their report deadline to March 31, 2018, and to spend an additional $5,000 to pay for the outside staff support from Sebago Technics. Caitlin Jordan, councilor who also serves on the committee, said the group is in "the home stretch" with the report and should be able to finish in three months, but may need another sunset extension to complete its charge to assist the Comprehensive Plan 2019 Committee with its chapter on marine resources.