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Neighborhood meetings on paper streets slated for February, March

 The Town of Cape Elizabeth will hold neighborhood meetings to hear public comment on paper streets. Meetings are scheduled as follows: (click on maps to view larger images)

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016

Shore Acres neighborhood
Broad Cove neighborhood
Hannaford Cove neighborhood

Broad Cove/Hannaford Cove map
Broad Cove/Hannaford Cove
Shore Acres map
Shore Acres

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Oakhurst neighborhood
Shore Rd area

Oakhurst map
Shore Road map
Shore Road

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Great Pond neighborhood
Mitchell Rd area

Great Pond map
Great Pond
Mitchell Road neighborhood
Mitchell Road

All meetings will be held at the Town Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m. Maps of the paper streets located in each neighborhood are shown above. Click maps for larger images.

Residents interested in more information should review the 2015 Paper Street study and spreadsheet on the town website.

Paper streets are streets shown on plans recorded in the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds, but never built. Cape Elizabeth has about 50 paper streets. While the legal status of paper streets may not be clear, the act of recording the plan may convey rights to the town and to the owners of lots shown on the plan. The town extended its rights in almost all paper streets in 1997, and that 20 year extension is up in 2017.

Paper streets may be important because they provide access to lots, contain utilities, provide a turnaround for municipal equipment, and provide pedestrian access to town open space. For more information, please contact the town planner at or 207-799-0115.