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Town pledges $75,000 toward purchase of conservation parcel near Great Pond

The Town Council on June 13, 2016 agreed to contribute $75,000 from the land acquisition fund toward the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust's purchase of a 21-acre parcel near Great Pond, pending legal agreements for management between the town and the Land Trust

The Town Council has pledged a contribution from the town's land-acquisition fund to help preserve a 21-acre wooded parcel near Great Pond.

Councilors on June 13, 2016 agreed to allocate $75,000 toward the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust's purchase of property owned by Barry Glew, which borders conservation land next to Great Pond. The Land Trust has a contract to purchase the property for $315,000, with a closing date of Aug. 1.

The town's contribution is contingent upon the Land Trust raising remaining funds, and legal agreements between the town and the Land Trust governing management of the property.

Cindy Krum, executive director of the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust, along with board member Elizabeth Goodspeed, said the Land Trust is looking forward to increased collaboration with the town. "This is really a perfect opportunity for that, because we can work together on the placement of trails, creation of new trails, non-motorized public access uses and also increasing connectivity with both existing and future town trails," said Goodspeed, who said she was speaking for the entire board of directors.

Krum said the parcel, to be known as "Great Pond Preserve II" offers an "opportunity for the type of connectivity that's so critical to the town's mission in their greenbelt plan."

If conditions are met, the donation would use nearly all of the land-acquistion fund, including the $32,000 allocated in the 2016-17 budget effective July 1, said Town Manager Michael McGovern.

Councilors expect to review draft legal agreements at their July meeting.