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Officials gearing for update of 2007 comprehensive plan

Just as the town is implementing the final recommendations of the 2007 comprehensive plan, officials are beginning to plan for the next comprehensive plan.

At their Aug. 29, 2016 workshop, the Town Council will review a draft charge for a new comprehensive planning committee.

The draft calls for a nine-member committee composed of two Town councilors, one School Board member, one Planning Board member and five citizens at large. The committee, appointed by the council in December, would begin meeting in January 2017 to update the current, 2007 plan.

State law requires Maine municipalities to develop a comprehensive plan to guide local development. Planning for a comprehensive-plan update is a Town Council goal for 2016.

The draft charge calls for developing a public participation plan to include a telephone survey, public forums, and the services of a consultant to implement a "multi-pronged" public information and participation process.

Officials envision final hearings and adoption by August or September of 2019. The draft timeline assumes "a more robust public participation process than with the 2007 plan", according to a memo submitted by the town planning office. A $55,000 budget is proposed, mostly for the telephone survey ($25,000) and public participation consultant ($15,000)

The Aug. 29 workshop begins at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.