05/18/2016 (updated 5/20/2016)
Absentee balloting is now underway for the June 14, 2016 Cape Elizabeth Recycling Center referendum, state primaries and school budget validation.
Absentee voting at Town Hall until the end of business Thursday, June 9, 2016.
7:30-5 p.m. Mondays
7:30-4 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays
Town Clerk Debra Lane, 207-799-7665.
Voters will be asked to approve a $1.4 million bond for improvements to the Recycling Center [news article]; and, to validate the $24.3 million school budget approved by the Town Council for 2016-17. [news article]
Voters enrolled in the Democratic and Republican parties will also vote on primary candidates for representatives to Congress, State Senate and State House; and county register of probate.
Absentee balloting will take place at Town Hall, 320 Ocean House Road, during business hours Mondays 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., and Tuesday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. through June 9.
The election will be held on Tuesday, June 14, at the Cape Elizabeth High School gym. Polls will be open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
All election activities, including voter registration, will move to the polls on Election Day.
Under Maine law, any registered voter may vote absentee until three business days before the election. You may do so in person at Town Hall, or request a ballot be sent to you by filling out an application. Download paper application
Any questions should be directed to Town Clerk Debra Lane, 207-799-7665.
For more information about voting absentee, please see our Elections & Voting services section
Recycling Center Project Referendum
Shall the Town Council vote authorizing expenditure of up to $1,400,000 for improvements and upgrades to the town's Recycling Center be approved?
School Budget Validation Referendum [notice of amounts]
Do you favor approving the Town of Cape Elizabeth school budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the latest school budget meeting of the Town Council?
The following is a non-binding expression of opinion for the consideration of the School Board and Town Council.
I find the school budget adopted at the May 19, 2016 Town Council’s school budget meeting to be:
School Budget Validation Referendum Process
Do you wish to continue the budget validation referendum process in Cape Elizabeth for an additional three years?
Democratic Primary | Republican Primary |
Representative to Congress
State Senator
Representative to the Legislature (District 30 only)
Representative to the Legislature (District 32 only)
Register of Probate (vote for one)
Representative to Congress
State Senator District 29
Representative to the Legislature
Representative to the Legislature
Register of Probate