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Ordinance amendment would allow village green to front town-center structures

The town is considering a change in the Town Center zone that will allow for a village green in front of buildings.

At their meeting May 11, 2015, councilors referred to the Planning Board a proposal to relax setback requirements for buildings in the town center when a village green is part of the development.

Councilor Patty Grennon proposed the amendment to the zoning ordinance, which is a recommendation of the 2014 Town Center Plan. Current zoning requires businesses to be set back between 25 and 35 feet from the main road, allowing for sidewalks and lampposts in the town center, Grennon said. The setbacks, however, would not provide enough room for a village green between the buildings and the road. "If there would be a green it would be behind (the buildings) and therefore not work for an appropriate gathering space," Grennon said.

The Town Center Plan recommends a village green or common to provide a gathering space for residents. "If a public village green is created in the town center, the Town should consider allowing some flexibility in applying the minimum and maximum front yard setback so that a building could be placed to frame the village green," the plan says.

Draft ordinance language gives the town flexibility in establishing setbacks for a development where a green is proposed:

The Planning Board may allow some flexibility in applying this setback when the overall development includes a public village green and the proposed structure will front on or serve to frame the village green.

Councilors on May 11 directed the Planning Board to begin with the above sample amendment, and to come back with a recommendation.

Several of the seven recommendations of the town center plan are underway, including creation of a tax-increment financing district, and looking into lowering the speed limit on Route 77 through the town center.