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Preliminary printout: Cape school subsidy for 2016 projected to increase nearly $500,000

Cape Elizabeth schools stand to gain nearly $500,000 in state subsidy next year, according to preliminary state subsidy printouts published by the state Department of Education on Feb. 19, 2015.

The printout for Cape Elizabeth projects $2.98 million in state subsidy for schools next year, up $498,135 over this year, an increase of 20 percent.

Paula Gravelle, a school finance coordinator at the DOE, attributed the projected increase largely to an increase in the Essential Programs and Services allocation for special education for Cape Elizabeth. "There was a significant increase in special-education costs," she said. The allocation is based on actual special-education expenditures for fiscal 2013-14.

The preliminary subsidy figure is published for planning purposes, and is subject to budget enactment by the Legislature. The 2016 biennial budget proposed by Gov. Paul LePage includes an increase of $20.3 million statewide for general purpose aid to education.

The School Board will hold a televised budget workshop at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, when it will receive the superintendent's recommended budget for 2015-16.