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Cape voters approve of $23.2 school budget for 2014-15

Cape Elizabeth voters on June 10, 2014 approved a $23.2 million school budget for 2014-15 in the annual validation held at Cape Elizabeth High School.

Unofficial results from Tuesday's balloting showed 705 votes for the budget, and 278 against.

In a non-binding, advisory question, the majority of those voting, 517, said they believed the budget was acceptable; 349 said they believed it was too high; and 95 said it was too low.

The budget was approved by the Town Council on May 12. (see related story)

In the primary election also held June 10, Cape Elizabeth Democrats favored incumbent Kevin Joyce for Cumberland County Sheriff, casting 315 votes for Joyce and 200 votes for party challenger Michael Edes.

Officiated results, along with numbers on voter turnout, will be available at a later time, said Town Clerk Debra Lane.

Here are the unofficial results from Tuesday's voting (Cape Elizabeth results only).

Democratic Primary

United States Senator (vote for 1)

  • Bellows, Shenna
    Manchester ............. 438

Governor (vote for 1)

  • Michaud, Michael H.
    East Millinocket ...... 481

Representative to Congress
District 1

  • Pingree, Chellie
    North Haven ........ 508

State Senator
District 29 (vote for 1)

  • Millett, Rebecca J.
    Cape Elizabeth ..... 500

Representative to the Legislature
(District 30 only)

  • Monaghan-Derrig, Kimberly J.
    Cape Elizabeth .... 478

Representative to the Legislature
(District 32 only)

  • Hamann, Scott M.
    South Portland .... 22

Judge of Probate
Cumberland County (vote for 1)

  • Mazziotti, Joseph R.
    Falmouth ............ 425

Cumberland County (vote for 1)

  • Edes, Michael T.
    Cumberland ......... 200
  • Joyce, Kevin Jay
    Standish ............... 315

District Attorney
District 2 (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

County Commissioner
District 4 (vote for 1)

  • Coward, Thomas S.
    South Portland ... 410
Republican Primary

United States Senator (vote for 1)

  • Collins, Susan M.
    Bangor ................... 263
  • Bennett, Erick
    (write in) ................. 3

Governor (vote for 1)

  • LePage, Paul R.
    Augusta .................. 214

Representative to Congress
District 1

  • Misiuk, Isaac J.
    Gorham .................. 187

State Senator
District 29 (vote for 1)

  • Ridge, John F.
    Cape Elizabeth ........ 218

Representative to the Legislature
(District 30 only)

  • Buonaiuto, Holly Ridge
    Cape Elizabeth ....... 210

Representative to the Legislature
(District 32 only)

  • Myrick, Kenneth Earle
    South Portland ........ 9

Judge of Probate
Cumberland County (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

Cumberland County (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

District Attorney
District 2 (vote for 1)

  • Anderson, Stephanie
    Cape Elizabeth ......... 232

County Commissioner
District 4 (vote for 1)

  • (write in)
Green Independent Primary

United States Senator (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

Governor (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

Representative to Congress
District 1

  • (write in)

State Senator
District 29 (vote for 1)

  • Diehl, Mark D.
    Cape Elizabeth ........ 6

Representative to the Legislature
(District 30 only)

  • (write in)

Representative to the Legislature
(District 32 only)

  • (write in)

Judge of Probate
Cumberland County (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

Cumberland County (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

District Attorney
District 2 (vote for 1)

  • (write in)

County Commissioner
District 4 (vote for 1)

  • (write in)


School Budget Validation Referendum

Do you favor approving the Town of Cape Elizabeth school budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the latest school budget meeting of the Town Council?

YES .... 705
NO...... 278

The following is a non-binding expression of opinion for the consideration of the School Board and Town Council.

I find the school budget adopted at the May 12, 2014 Town Council’s school budget meeting to be:

TOO HIGH................. 349
ACCEPTABLE ......... 517
TOO LOW .................. 95

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  • Debra Lane, Assistant Town Manager and Town Clerk
  • Phone:
  • FAX:
  • Mailing Address:
    PO Box 6260
    Cape Elizabeth, ME
  • Business Hours: Mondays, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Tuesdays-Fridays, 7:30 a.m.- 4 p.m.
  • Location:
    Town Hall, 320 Ocean House Road - Directions