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Town Center Plan Committee sets public forum for Oct. 17

The Town Center Plan Committee will hold a public forum at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013 at Town Hall.

Town Center Plan
Public Forum

7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013
Town Hall

The committee is interested in hearing from the public about what residents want for a town center. This could range from remaining a quiet, limited-activity area to growing some local businesses that offer in-town dining and shopping to residents and guests.

The committee began meeting in May with the task to revisit the 1993 Town Center Plan and take a fresh look at supporting a vibrant, business- and pedestrian-friendly town center. The nine-member committee includes representatives from the Town Council, Planning Board and School Board and five town residents, including business owners.

Committee members have reviewed existing conditions in the town center, through both a summary of existing uses and a site walk, and have had several discussions about their impressions. They’ve begun to evaluate recommendations and want to hear from the public.

At the completion of its work, the committee will forward recommendations to the Town Council. For more information, please contact Town Planner Maureen O'Meara, 207-799-0115.