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Local state legislators set Feb. 6 forum on proposals for supplemental, biennial budgets

State Budget Public Forum

7 p.m.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Cape Elizabeth Town Hall

Sen Rebecca Millett
Sen. Rebecca Millett
Rep. Kim Monagha-Derrig
Rep. Kim Monaghan-Derrig
Rep Scott Hamann
Rep. Scott Hamann
Sen. Emily Cain
Sen. Emily Cain

Residents are invited to a public forum at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013 at Cape Elizabeth Town Hall to ask questions and hear about Gov. Paul LePage's supplemental budget proposal for the current year, as well as the proposed two-year state budget for 2014/2015.

State Sen. Rebecca Millett, representing Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough and South Portland, as well as Reps. Kim Monaghan-Derrig and Scott Hamann, who represent Cape Elizabeth in the State House, will be joined by Sen. Emily Cain to answer questions and hear residents' thoughts about the budget.

Cain, a Democrat from Penobscot County, serves on the Appropriations Committee.