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School budget for 2014 passes May 14 validation

The $22.5 million 2013-14 school budget adopted by the Town Council on April 29 was approved by voters in a validation election May 14, 2013. Most of those who answered an advisory question said they thought the budget amount was acceptable, and an overwhelming majority said they wished to continue the budget validation process for another three years.

A total of 1,003 were cast, for an unofficial voter turnout of approximately 13 percent. Of those, 625 voted to approve the budget; 377 voted against.

School Budget 2014 Validation
YES ...... 625
NO ....... 377

I find the school budget to be:
TOO HIGH ......... 320
ACCEPTABLE ..... 441
TOO LOW .......... 218

Continue validation process?
YES ...... 702
NO ....... 291

In a separate advisory vote, the majority of Cape voters said they believed the $22.5 million figure was acceptable, 320 said it was too high, and 218 said it was too low.

This year's ballot also asked whether voters wish to continue the validation process that was instituted by the state of Maine in 2008. A total of 702 voter said yes, 291 said no. The validation process in Cape Elizabeth will continue for another three years.

The 2014 adopted school budget, $22,528,078 compared to $21,765,817 for this year, is up 3.5 percent and accounts for 46 cents of the proposed 56-cent increase in the overall tax rate. More information on the school budget is available on the School Department's budget web page.

School Budget 2014 Validation Referendum
Unofficial Results

Do you favor approving the Town of Cape Elizabeth school budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the latest school budget meeting of the Town Council?

YES ...... 625
NO ....... 377

The following is a non-binding expression of opinion for the consideration of the School Board and Town Council. I find the school budget adopted at the April 29, 2013 Town Council’s school budget meeting to be:

TOO HIGH ......... 320
ACCEPTABLE ..... 441
TOO LOW .......... 218

School Budget Validation Referendum Process

Do you wish to continue the budget validation referendum process in Cape Elizabeth for an additional three years?

YES ...... 702
NO ....... 291