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02/28/2013 (updated 03/06/2012)

Investment in daytime rescue personnel, capital improvements highlight municipal budget proposal for 2013-14

Town Manager Michael McGovern is proposing a $9 million municipal budget for 2013-14 that provides for daytime rescue personnel coverage and a $100,000 increase in spending for capital needs. The budget maintains current services and provides a 2-percent salary increase for most employees. [download proposed budget]

The Town Council will begin its review of the $9,079,316 budget proposal as the Finance Committee in workshop sessions beginning March 11, following the regular Town Council meeting. [budget review schedule]

"I appreciate the effort and support of our department heads and all of our personnel in restraining spending and in recognizing the importance of supporting daytime rescue coverage and addressing our capital requirements," McGovern said in his annual budget message.

Proposed municipal spending is up $213,708 over this year, or 2.4 percent. The proposed tax rate for municipal services is $3.44 per $1,000 of assessed valuation - an increase of 2.1 percent, or 7 cents.

The municipal budget anticipates a $92,100, or 2.8 percent increase in revenue other than property tax, which accounts for 46 percent of revenue. Excise tax income is projected to rise $69,200, or 4.2 percent, McGovern said, while other sources - including fees, use of surplus and revenue from the State of Maine, are expected to remain stable. "This assumes the Maine Legislature will reject the Governor's proposal to suspend revenue sharing," McGovern said. The budget anticipates $640,000 from state revenue sharing, up from $631,898 realized this year.

Top among capital projects supported in the budget is a $295,000 investment in roadway, paving and drainage improvements, followed by a loader/backhoe replacement and upgrades to the Town Hall electrical system, each budgeted at $110,000. The total budgeted for capital improvements is $800,000.

Combined spending proposals for municipal, school, county and Community Services for 2013-14 comes to $33.2 million, an increase of 3.1 percent. The proposed overall tax rate is $16.36, up 52 cents over this year's, or 3.3 percent. [combined tax-impact summary]