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Library planners set community input session for Aug. 29

Third in a series of updates on the work of the ad hoc Library Planning Committee:

What's up at the library? Glad you asked!

The Library Planning Committee is charged by the Town Council with preparing a 25-year plan for services and facilities for the Thomas Memorial Library, and we have been busy for the last several months.

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Thomas Memorial Library Planning Committee
Community Input Session

6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29
Cape Elizabeth High School Cafeteria

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We’ve met with folks in the School Department and Community Services for their insights and to consider efficiencies in shared services.  We’ve been inspired by our visits to nearby community libraries. We’ve talked to the library trustees about programming and services. And, later this month, we’re meeting with Erik Kramer, the School Department's technology coordinator, as well as with the newly appointed Town Center Plan Committee.

Our most important and exciting undertaking, however, is to meet with the citizens of Cape Elizabeth to discuss their vision of what our town library needs to be, and that opportunity is almost upon us! On Aug. 29, our committee will be hosting a public input session from 6:30-8 p.m. in the High School cafeteria. To bring citizens up to speed, we’ll give a very brief overview of the work to date, but our focus that night will be on you, the residents of Cape Elizabeth. We need to hear your ideas about library services and facilities.  Tell us what you like, what you want to see more of, and what you envision a library doing and being in the future. What have we missed? What haven’t we thought about? This is your library in your town, and this is your opportunity to be heard.

As always, there’s plenty of information on the town and library websites. If you’d like to contact us, we’d like to hear from you!  See you at the Aug. 29 meeting, or you can drop us a line a

Library Planning Committee
