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Goals, potential recommendations for greenbelt trails set for two public forums May 30, June 11

The June forum for the south Cape trails has been moved to Tuesday, June 11 at the Town Center Fire Station.

Greenbelt Map
Greenbelt Trails Map

The Conservation Commission has scheduled two public forums seeking comment on its work to update the 2001 Greenbelt Plan.

  • The first on May 30 will cover goals and potential recommendations for trails in the northern half of town, from Scott Dyer and Wells Road north. It will be held at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall chamber [directions]
  • The second, on June 11, will cover goals and potential recommendations for trails in the southern half. It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall Fire Station [directions - please note new date and location]

Why is the Conservation Commission updating the Greenbelt Plan?

The most recent Greenbelt Plan was adopted in 2001. The comprehensive plan recommends that master plans be updated every seven years, so the current Greenbelt Plan is due for review. Greenbelt and open space preservation is a consistently high priority for Cape Elizabeth residents. The first Greenbelt Plan was prepared in 1977, followed by a second in 1988.

The most recent draft of the 2013 Greenbelt Plan envisions a greenbelt trail system where every neighborhood is within walking distance of a public greenbelt trail.

The Greenbelt Plan recommends expansion of the existing public trail network. Priorities for expansion include:

  • Open space that preserves community character
  • Existing public access opportunities
  • Underserved neighborhoods
  • Connections to the existing greenbelt
  • Informal trails
  • Water body access
  • Long distance walks
  • Avoiding roads
  • Regional trails

Mark up maps

The Conservation Commission will be inviting forum attendees to mark up maps with their favorite or most-hoped-for trails, and also identifying their priorities.

For more information, please contact Town Planner Maureen O'Meara, 207-799-0115, and continue to check this website for the most current information.

Note: Information in this article supersedes an article published April 29, 2013