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Ordinance amendment puts Community Services Advisory Commission under School Department governance

The Town Council on March 11, 2013 approved two amendments to the Boards and Commissions Ordinance - one that removes the Community Services Advisory Commission from the Town's code of ordinance, and another that clarifies the jurisdiction of the Personnel Appeals Board.

Removing the Community Services Advisory Commission from the Town ordinance places responsibility for the commission with the School Department, said Town Manager Michael McGovern.

The commission was established in 1977 as an outgrowth of a former parks and rec. commission, appointed by both the School Board and the Town Council. "As it's evolved over the years Community Services has become more and more under the responsibility of the superintendent (of schools), all the employees report to the superintendent," McGovern said. "In keeping with the structure of oversight of educational programs it's really much more appropriate that the Community Services Advisory Commission not have the joint responsibility to both groups. It's not in keeping with the independence of school departments in the Maine statutes," he said.

The second amendment authorizes the Personnel Appeals Board to hear appeals of discliplinary action from any full-time employee, not just members of the Police Department as the current text reads.

Smoke-free municipal enviroment now includes chewing tobacco

In a third action March 11, the council agreed to change language in the Personnel Code extending a ban on smoking to use of any tobacco product. The change prohibits employees or visitors from using tobacco, including chewing tobacco, in municipal buildings or vehicles.

The Personnel Code change is effective immediately; changes to the Boards and Commissions Ordinance take effect April 11, 2013.