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Manager announces resignation of Town's code-enforcement officer

Bruce Smith is resigning effective Nov. 17, 2012  as Cape Elizabeth’s code-enforcement officer.  Smith came to Cape Elizabeth in September 1997 after serving as codes officer for the Town of Ogunquit.

Town Manager Michael McGovern announced Smith's resignation during his report at the Nov. 14 Town Council meeting, and in a press release.

During his tenure he has overseen the construction of Cape Elizabeth 360 homes and other projects with a total value of over $150 million.  He has concurrently served as building inspector, plumbing inspector, electrical inspector, health officer and shoreland zoning administrator. 

Smith was chosen by his peers to be the president of the Maine Building Officials and Inspectors Association and is again serving as vice president of MBOIA.  He helped lead an effort which resulted in 2010 in the adoption of a statewide building and energy code.

"Bruce Smith has many admirers in Cape Elizabeth, in the building trades and throughout the code enforcement community in Maine," said McGovern.  "I join them in wishing him well," he said.