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Pool funding migrates to Community Services; leaves $8.8 million municipal budget proposal down 1 percent

Town Manager Michael McGovern has prepared a $8.8 million municipal budget proposal that is $92,500 lighter in revenue, poses a $93,100 reduction in spending, and also poses no tax increase for municipal services next year. The reason, primarily, is because funding for the Donald L. Richards Community Pool has moved to the Community Services budget.

In a telephone interview, McGovern said the organizational shift will improve the pool's administrative continuity with Community Services, which oversees most of the facility's programming.

Real municipal spending, if the pool had not been part of the 2012 budget, would be up 3 percent, McGovern said in his annual message to the Town Council.

The bulk of the increase comes in the town's commitment to its capital stewardship plan, with $134,000 (24 percent) more being allocated to equipment, facilities and grounds. Full-time payroll is up $84,000 (3.4 percent); and increases are allocated to facilities staffing, library staffing and library professional services and programs. An additional $10,589 (35.1 percent) is budgeted for high expected absentee and onsite voter turnout for the November 2012 election.

Some spending in the projected town budget will be down, including debt service, down $41,371, (4.1 percent); tip fees for waste disposal, down $44,385, (7.8 percent); and health insurance, down $22,035, (7.7 percent).

Major Items Impacting Proposed FY 2013 Town Budget




Capital Stewardship Plan Implementation

 $     134,000

Full Time Payroll

 $      84,045

Facilities Staffing

 $      29,381

Library Staffing

 $      24,833

November 2012 Election Addt. Cost

 $      10,589

Library Programs

 $        7,500


 $       (8,200)

Storm Drain Cleaning

 $     (14,500)

Health Insurance

 $     (22,035)

Debt Service

 $     (41,371)

Ecomaine Fees

 $     (44,388)

Everything Else

 $      95,271

Net Impact of Total Municipal Budget

 $     255,125

Total Municipal Budget

$   8,827,479

McGovern is slated to present the municipal budget proposal to the Town Council at their meeting March 12, 2012, where councilors are expected to refer it to the Finance Committee for review during April. [Review schedule]. The committee will hear public comment on the combined municipal, school, county and Community Services budgets on April 9, with final adoption on April 26.

The public validation vote on the school budget is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12.

The School Board is continuing to review the superintendent's $21.7 million school budget proposal, with board adoption slated for March 27.

Overall, the town, school, county and Community Services budgets propose a 2.4 percent increase in spending. A projected 5.1 percent decrease in overall revenue, however brings the proposed tax rate to $15.82 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, 64 cents over this year's rate, and an increase of 4.2 percent. [overall budget overview as of 03/07/2012]

The Community Services budget proposal for 2013 shows a planned pool budget of $433,813, a $241, 1-percent decrease in spending for the pool. Revenues are expected to remain at $183,800, leaving the remaining $250,013 of the pool's operating budget to be raised by taxes.

In her budget message to the superintendent of schools, Community Services Director Janet Hoskin said shifting the pool budget to Community Services will allow one set of personnel policies and procedures for both the pool and Community Services staff, with the director of Community Services reporting only to the superintendent. [School Department budget website]