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Council provides update on dialogue between neighbors and operators of local shooting range

The Town Council on Oct. 10, 2012 updated residents on its review of safety issues at outdoor shooting ranges.

The review stems from an April 9, 2012 request from attorney Jamie Wagner, on behalf of concerned citizens, for the council to hold a workshop and public hearing on safety concerns surrounding the Spurwink Rod and Gun Club.

The workshop was held Sept. 5, 2012, at which time the club was encouraged by the council to have an expert review safety conditions. "We did actually get emails today from both parties," Town Manager Michael McGovern said at the Oct. 10 meeting. "And the essence of the two emails was that the rod-and-gun club is working to get a licensed range safety expert, a gentleman who happens to be from South Portland," McGovern said.

The expert is Quirino Lucarelli, a range technical team advisor certified by the National Rifle Association. McGovern said that Wagner, representing neighbors of the gun club, said he was interested in the expert review, but would first like to review Lucarelli's qualifications.

"We're really looking for the cooperation of both parties and that's fortunately what we've been having in the dialogue," he said. However, "there's no mandate that the council can do to require it," McGovern said.

If the club were to change its building or property to address safety, the Town's code-enforcement officer would oversee those changes, McGovern said. "But he alone could not force the safety improvements unless there was some specific provision, some specific ordinance being violated," McGovern said. The chief of police can also look at specific safety issues, he said.

"In my view it's good that there is a dialogue going on now," McGovern said. Councilors suggested both parties be invited to provide updates at the next regular council meeting Nov. 14, 2012.