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Council adopts 'ambitious' list of goals for 2011

Town Councilors on Jan. 10, 2011 adopted their goals for the year, many of which build on foundations established in previous years.

Goals for the year are sorted into four categories, including budget and financial decision-making, effective communication, and boards and commissions.

The list of goals leads off, however, with a sublist of initiatives the council plans to continue, including implementing open-space aspects of the Comprehensive Plan, increasing marketing of Town entrepreneurial activities such as Community Services, Richards Pool and Gift Shop at Portland Head Light; and, supporting energy savings through the work of the Alternative Energy Committee.

Planning for the future of the Thomas Memorial Library, as well as a review of the master plan and development of a business plan for Fort Williams Park, are also among continuing initiatives.

The council adopted the goals, which were finalized at their January workshop, with little discussion. David Sherman, chairman of the Town Council, said he looks forward to their implementation. "It's an ambitious document, and I am sure we're up to the challenge," Sherman said.

Here is the list of goals adopted by the council for 2011:

Cape Elizabeth Town Council
Goals for 2011
Adopted- January 10, 2011

Continuing Initiatives
The Town Council has implemented a number of initiatives over the last few years. In 2011 the Council will renew its focus on these initiatives and will:

  • Implement aspects of the comprehensive plan that support citizens’ desire for open space and an excellent quality of life in Cape Elizabeth 
  • Work to increase marketing of all Town entrepreneurial activities including Community Services, the Donald Richards Pool, the Portland Head Light gift shop and the Spurwink Church
  • Support a continuing investigation of energy savings initiatives utilizing the Alternative Energy Committee
  • Participate in regional efforts for economic development and for energy efficiency
  • Continue planning the future of library services working with the Trustees of the Thomas Memorial Library
  • Continue to review municipal space use and encourage reuse of underutilized space
  • Review master plan amendments and a draft business plan for Fort Williams Park
  • Implement food composting
  • Develop a holistic approach to recycling at all school and municipal buildings
  • Continue programs providing citizens the opportunity to enjoy the natural environment of Cape Elizabeth
  • Implement more availability of online transactions
  • Consider the report of the Open Space Management Committee


Budget and Financial Decision-Making and Reporting
The Town Council recognizes that the economy will not soon return to boom times. Financial decision making and priority setting will need to be done with improved information and through two way communication with citizens.  The Town Council will:

  • Maintain quality services and programs while limiting spending to necessary amounts
  • Implement pilot projects at Fort Williams Park and elsewhere to test potential revenue streams
  • Report key financial data each month at the Town Council meeting
  • Enhance the role of the Finance Committee in budgetary oversight, and increase collaboration with the school department to encourage town wide savings   
  • Continue review of the work done by the Health Insurance Review Committee 
  • Prepare and distribute for citizens a concise budget summary aided with graphics
  • Continue benchmarking of costs and services with other communities
  • Improve long range planning and decisions on capital needs with a greater use of metrics
  • Determine new opportunities for non-tax revenues
  • Ensure that all service and operations areas are reviewed for optimal efficiency, utilizing internal and external resources, to include consideration of outside consultants
  • Examine regionalization alternatives in terms of service and costs

Effective Communication
The Town Council will continue to enhance communication with citizens and other interested parties. The Town Council will:

  • Enhance communication and collaboration with the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust, the Cape Elizabeth Farm Alliance, the Thomas Memorial Library Foundation, the Fort Williams Charitable Foundation, “Cool Cape”  the Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation and with other independent groups who seek to improve the quality of life in Cape Elizabeth
  • Meet with our representatives to Augusta to exchange knowledge and views on issues impacting Cape Elizabeth and the State of Maine.
  • Reach out to Cape Elizabeth businesses and create a local forum  
  • Be more proactive in communicating upcoming agenda items
  • Report on the results of Town Council deliberations to local media
  • Increase collaboration and discussion with the Cape Elizabeth School Board
  • Continue to review processes for policy development to assist with effective public input.

Boards and Commissions
The Town Council appreciates the service and dedication of talented citizens serving on our boards and commissions. To enable these boards and commissions to be more effective the Town Council will:

  • Continue to work with boards in strengthening opportunities for public knowledge of board activities  and in enhancing public participation at board meetings
  • Recognize the contributions of board volunteers
  • Request each board to provide by March 1 a work plan for 2011 listing priority work areas
  • Maintain Town Council liaisons with boards to improve two way communications with the Town Council
  • Seek assistance in the community to assist boards with exploration of grant opportunities
  • Work with existing boards on emerging issues in lieu of forming multiple new committees
  • Review each board’s functions and purposes