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Public hearing on $31 million overall 2011-2012 municipal budget set for April 25

The Town Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed general- and special-funds budgets for 2011-2012 on Monday, April 25, 2011, 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall chamber.

The total general-fund budget proposal amounts to $31 million for Town, school, county and Community Services. It poses an overall property tax-rate increase of 2.4 percent, bringing this year's rate of $17.86 to $18.28.

'Maintenance' budgets for Town and schools

Sara Lennon, chair of the council's Finance Committee, characterized the proposed $8.9 million Town budget as one that takes care of Town assets, with 75 percent of the $375,000 spending increase for added maintenance of assets such as Fort Williams Park, and 25 toward a 2-percent salary increase for Town employees.

She also called the School Department's $21 million proposal a "maintenance" budget in the sense that it adds no new services or programs. She credited the School Board and teacher's union for their efforts in the face of declining state revenues. "We will get through this 'cliff' year relatively unscathed," said Lennon, referring to the end of federal funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Public comment

While the formal public hearing on the budget is slated for later this month, councilors and School Board members have accepted public input throughout the planning process. During a comment session April 11, the two residents who spoke said they supported the school budget and hoped the council would as well.

Dan Fishbein, Hunts Point Road, congratulated the council on a budget that has been less confrontational than it has in previous years. He called the proposals a testament to good planning; to Cape Elizabeth's one-town concept; to Interim Superintendent Ken Murphy; and, to the Cape Elizabeth Education Association, the teacher's union that has been negotiating for what officials have termed a "modest" salary increase.

Oakhurst Road resident Jana Zimmerman gave similar credit. In her nine years of residency, she said, this is the first budget that has been free of rancor. "Which felt really good," Zimmerman said.

The council is expected to vote on the budget April 25. Contact councilors.

A validation vote on the school budget is slated for May 10, 2011.