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Town Council workshop to follow up on greenbelt link financing pledge

The Town Council will meet with representatives of the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust in a workshop session at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 30, 2011 at Town Hall (directions).

This meeting is intended to serve as a follow-up discussion to the Town Council action of June 13, 2011, when the council approved a pledge to assist with the Land Trust's intended purchase of Robinson Woods II, a 63-acre parcel next to the 80-acre Robinson Woods open space, owned by the Land Trust, on Shore Road.

The council action on June 13 called for a discussion with the Land Trust regarding an alternative that had been considered by the Shore Road Pathway Committee to locate a segment of the pathway on the Robinson Woods parcel. (See Town Council chair's memo of June 20, 2011)

The Town Council action on June 13 also required by the time of the gift of the pledge that the Town obtain a public access easement over the Robinson Woods II parcel.