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Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Council appropriates funds for Fort Williams Master Plan update, accompanying 'business plan'

In an effort to implement some of the suggestions for revenue generation at Fort Williams Park made in recent years, the Town Council on Oct. 13 approved an appropriation of $40,000 to update the park's master plan, and to develop a business plan for the park.

Councilors voted unanimously to move funds to the Fort Williams Capital Fund from the general fund undesignated surplus for the master plan update, which was last amended in 2003. (Click here to view 2003 master plan update)

The additional business plan, to be developed at the same time, was also unanimously supported by the council, but after some questions and discussion about details of the plan, councilors came to think of it as more of a "scoping study".

Town Manager Michael McGovern used the example of concession areas in the park to illustrate the kinds of questions the study might answer: "How is it going to be run as a business, what's the town's role, what's the private sector's role?" McGovern said. The master plan update would address issues related to possible business sites within the park, including parking, sewerage disposal, shoreland zoning impacts, and access to the areas by suppliers.

"I don't know the answers to most of your questions yet," McGovern told the council. "That's what doing this plan is all about."

The master plan update and business plan will be developed by a consultant and by the Fort Williams Advisory Commission, with checks by the Town Council along the way.

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