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Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Revised Jobs Bill application aims to preserve more teaching positions in 2012

News that education funding in Maine will see no curtailment this year has prompted the School Board to revise its intended use of federal Education Jobs Bill money through 2012.

Cape Elizabeth has been allocated $583,620 in federal funds to help offset losses in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus) funding anticipated in 2012. The School Board appproved use of that money in September, earmarking $141,612 to cushion any state curtailment that might occur this year.

The revision, approved Nov. 9, 2010, moves some of that curtailment cushion to the fiscal 2012 budget year. "We were informed by the governor that there would be no curtailment to education," School Board Chairwoman Rebecca Millett said at the meeting.

The $105,482.60 moved from the 2011 curtailment cushion will instead be used to retain jobs in fiscal 2012, bringing the total earmarked for that purpose to $452,523.60. The $36,129.40 remaining in the curtailment cushion would pay an educational technician for instructional support this fiscal year.

Here is a breakdown of the Nov. 9 Jobs Bill revision:

Original - Sept. 7, 2010 Revised - Nov. 9, 2010
Possible Use FY11: Possible Use FY11:
10-11 Curtailment (2.5 Teachers) $141,612
1.5 Ed Techs - Instructional Support $44,607 2.5 Ed Techs - Instructional Support $80,736
Course Reimbursement $50,000 Course Reimbursement $50,000
total FY11: $236,219 total FY11: $130,736
Possible Use FY12 (balance of funds) Possible Use FY12 (balance of funds)
4.2 Teachers $347,041 4.7 Teachers $452,524
total FY12: $347,041 total FY12: $452,524

TOTAL FY11 & FY12: $583,260 $583,260

The revised application includes the cost of the School Department's retirement contribution, something that was not included in the original application.

Contingency appropriation used for instructional support needs

In other budget news, the board on Nov. 9 voted to use $146,934 from contingency to pay for two out-of-district placements, and for additional staff for instructional support. The funding includes $4,500 for out-of-district transportation.

The move leaves $223,954 in the School Department's contingency fund.

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