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Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Council will take public questions, comment at Jan. 4 workshop on Fort Williams parking fee proposal

The Town Council will take public questions and comments at its Jan. 4, 2010 workshop on proposed parking fees for Fort Williams Park.
The workshop is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall chamber.

Town Council Chairman Anne Swift-Kayatta is scheduled to make introductory remarks, followed by a presentation of the Fort Williams Advisory Commission's recommendations for making Fort Williams Park financially self-sustaining. The recommendations include a fee schedule for parking at the park.

For the remainder of the workshop, the council will take questions and comments from the audience.

The format differs from traditional workshops, which are open to the public but limit discussion to members of the council and invited participants. (Click here for Town Council rules). A proposed goal of the Town Council this year is to enhance citizen participation in local government. The goals are expected to be finalized at a brief council workshop Jan. 11, with adoption at the regular business meeting to follow.

The council will discuss, in a more traditional format, the Fort Williams Advisory Commission recommendations in a second workshop session Monday, Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.

A vote on the proposal to implement parking fees at Fort Williams may come as soon as the regular Feb. 8, 2010 council meeting.

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