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Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Shore Road Pathway Study Committee publishes final report

The Shore Road Pathway Study Committee has prepared its final report for submission to the Town Council.

The 52-page document, which includes concept plan drawings, cost estimates and photo simulations of what a path next to shore Shore Road might look like, is posted on this website.

The report is the culmination of a year and a half of work by the Shore Road Pathway Study Committee, appointed by the Town Council in the fall of 2007 to develop a concept plan for an off-road pathway adjacent to Shore Road.

"This plan represents the committee’s best efforts to balance the public safety needs of pedestrians, the preservation of the unique physical and natural characteristics of Shore Road, and impacts on abutting property owners," says the report's executive summary.

During the planning process, the committee made extensive efforts to encourage public participation. "The committee made the extraordinary commitment to meet with all the abutters on the land side of Shore Road, from the old entrance to Fort Williams to the Town Center," the summary says. "This, in addition to published updates, website postings, mailings, two public comment periods at each meeting and a public forum, represents an extensive effort to incorporate public participation into the project," it says.

Estimated cost of the project is $883,000.

The Town Council is expected to receive the report at their April 13 meeting. No date has been set yet for substantive review by the council.

Copies of the report are also available from the town's planning office for $11.

More information about the Shore Road Pathway Study Committee is also available on this website.