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Cape Elizabeth News


Committee approves consultant report for library building enhancement plan

The Thomas Memorial Library Study Committee recently approved the consultant’s report for the second of three phases of their study to define a library services and building enhancement program to serve the needs of the Cape Elizabeth community for the next 30 years.

The Phase II Executive Summary prepared by library consultants Himmel & Wilson and their architectural partners, Casaccio Architects, lays out the extensive work done thus far; spells out the deficiencies of the current building; and, and makes recommendations for new building structures on the property site of the current library. The recommendations would keep the library on the current site in the town center which was an important consideration expressed by the citizens during the project’s Phase I Needs Assessment.

New library construction recommended

The third and final phase of the project requires the consultants to complete a series of schematic drawings for the preferred conceptual plan selected by the library study committee. After many hours of meetings and deliberations, the committee selected Scheme B1 (revised), known as the “clean slate” approach, which means removing all of the current structures and the construction of a new library (see page 7 of the executive summary document).

However, the study committee has instructed the consultants to retain the historically significant portions of the original 1849 building, known as the old Spurwink School and dedicated as the Thomas Memorial Library in 1919, in any new design. Some of the design elements of the Pond Cove Annex building, which houses the current adult collection, should also be retained.

The study committee anticipates its final report and recommendations will be completed by mid-July, with a presentation to the Town Council soon after.