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12/11/09 (updated 12/30/09)

Committee grateful for community input, publishes summary of suggestions for addressing state subsidy shortage

The ad hoc Cape Elizabeth Curtailment Committee has published a summary of ideas generated in small groups that met at a community workshop Dec. 8, 2009.

An estimated 80-90 residents attended the workshop at the High School cafeteria, called by the committee to gather ideas for addressing projected shortfalls in state general purpose aid to education.

School officials are anticipating a $621,440 curtailment to Cape Elizabeth's state subsidy for the current fiscal year, and an additional $900,000 reduction in subsidy for 2010-2011. The reduction, coupled with anticipated expenditure increases primarily in salaries and benefits, will leave the school budget with a projected $1.7 million shortfall.

"The unprecedented financial challenges that we face demand new and innovative responses," says a thank-you letter published by the School Department and signed by School Board Chairman Trish Brigham and Superintendent Alan Hawkins. "Your input and support as we deal with this situation isimportant and appreciated," it says.

The small group format generated lively discussion, the leter says. "If you were unable to attend the workshop and have specific suggestions for revenue enhancement or expenditure reduction opportunities for the school and/or municipal budgets, please contact a member of the Curtailment Committee," the letter says.

The feedback that has been published is a summary of the varied discussions from each small group at the workshop. The committee will use it to help generate its recommendations to the School Board for for addressing the financing needs of the schools in response to significant reductions in the state’s general-purpose aid.

The committee, which includes representatives of the School Board, Town Council, teacher's union and Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation, will present its report to the School Board and other related town organizations by Jan. 15, 2010.

The committee is scheduled to meet on Dec. 22, 2009, in the William H. Jordan Conference Room at Town Hall; and on Jan. 5, 2010 in the Community Center. Both meetings start at 7 p.m. (The Jan. 5, 2010 meeting has been canceled)

Members of the Curtailment Committee:
Dwight Ely, Cape Elizabeth Education Association
Sara Lennon, Town Council
Rebecca Millett, School Board
Matt Miklavic, School Board Student Representative
Kathy Ray, School Board
Anne E. Swift-Kayatta, Town Council
Timothy Thompson, Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation

Pauline Aportria, Business Manager, ex officio
Michael McGovern, Town Manager, ex officio
Alan H. Hawkins, Superintendent, ex officio

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