Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News

Click here to view 2009 Town Council goals


Quality services, minimal tax impact at forefront of new council year

At their first meeting of the town council year Dec. 8, 2008, the council adopted its goals for 2009. The top goal remains as it has in past years, to ensure quality services with as minimal impact on the property tax rate as possible.

Many of the goals support the primary goal, including enhancing recycling and containing waste disposal costs, accepting a report from the ad hoc Alternative Energy Committee, and recommendations for enchancing Fort Williams Park.

Many of the goals follow through on goals set in previous council years, and include goals for the Thomas Memorial Library, the Spurwink Church, implementation of the comprehensive plan, land preservation, electronic communication with citizens, and pedestrian and bicycle safety in the town center.

Here is the list of goals approved by the council Dec. 8, 2008:

Cape Elizabeth Town Council Goals

  1. Ensure that quality services and programs are maintained with as minimal impact as possible on the property tax rate
    1. Monitor the status of the local, state, national and global economy and analyze the impact of the economy on individual citizens, local businesses, and on the FY 2009 and FY 2010 budgets.
    2. Continue quarterly reviews of expenditures and revenues by the finance committee.
    3. Work with the Cape Elizabeth School Board to set financial targets prior to budget submissions for overall adjustments of the FY 2010 budget.
    4. Communicate to the Cumberland County commissioners the need to restrain future growth of the county budget.
    5. Communicate to state officials the impacts of state decisions on local budgets.
    6. Review and use as a resource an updated study that benchmarks the costs of municipal and school services with other communities.
    7. Work with surrounding communities to discuss opportunities for regional cooperation and possible expenditure savings.
    8. Apply toward property tax relief all additional net state revenue.
  2. Increase opportunities for interaction of the town council with boards and commissions
    1. Conduct an annual orientation for all board and commission members.
    2. Have a council member attend at least one meeting of each board and commission.
    3. Continue to enhance the working relationship between the school board and the town council.
  3. Continue implementation of the Greenbelt Master Plan
  4. Explore ways to enhance recycling in Cape Elizabeth and to contain waste disposal costs
    1. Review the report of the recycling working group.
    2. Continue to work with major generators of waste including the school department to assist with recycling efforts.
    3. Continue the universal waste recycling program and the hazardous waste collection day.
    4. Review recycling center procedures to enhance recycling and to ensure that waste delivered to the recycling center has been generated within Cape Elizabeth.
  5. Receive and act on the report of the Alternative Energy Study Committee
  6. Review recommendations to enhance pedestrian, vehicle and bicycle safety in the town center area
  7. Continue implementation of the 2007 Comprehensive Plan including review of regulations relating to the BA zone including liquor licensing, proposed bed and breakfast regulations, shoreland zoning provisions, and the recommendations from the Cape Farm Alliance.
  8. Receive quarterly updates on the status of all recommendations in the 2007 Comprehensive Plan
  9. Explore ways to enhance Fort Williams Park
    1. Work with the Fort Williams Advisory Commission and the Fort Williams Charitable Foundation to continue to update park needs, to provide estimates of the costs of improvements, and to assess the potential of acquiring voluntary donations.
    2. Determine the future of the former Goddard home.
    3. Analyze opportunities to make the park more financially self sustaining.
  10. Complete the restoration of the Spurwink Church.
  11. Receive a report from the Thomas Memorial Library Study Committee and consider its recommendations
  12. Continue a dialogue with the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust on the land preservation goals of the Comprehensive Plan
  13. Establish a town council working group to explore opportunities for electronic communication with citizens