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Public hearing eyes technical revisions to adopted
Comprehensive Plan
The Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, Aug. 11, 2008, on
proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan adopted in October of last year.
The revisions are mostly technical, and have been suggested by the Maine
State Planning Office as part of their review of the town's plan.
In August of 2007, the town submitted a draft comprehensive plan to the State
Planning Office for comment regarding the plan's consistency with state planning
goals. The state office found the plan to be consistent, but did offer some
comments and suggestions.
The plan that the Town Council approved in October 2007, however, contained
some changes from the draft submitted to the State Planning Office. Those
changes, as well as changes to address comments from the State Planning Office,
will be submitted in a revised plan to the state office for approval.
"Once the SPO approves the changes, the (comprehenisve) plan will be printed,"
said Town Planner Maureen O'Meara, in a memo to the Town Council.
Below is a summary of changes that will be considered at the public hearing.
The proposed changes are located in the data and analysis sections of selected
Page 103- The Marine Resources Map has been changed to show the piping
plover/least tern nesting habitat in a darker color.
Page 110 - More detail on the range of fish in Great Pond is added.
Page 111 - A description of riparian areas and how Cape Elizabeth protects
them has been added.
Page 115 - Information has been added describing why the Spurwink Marsh and
Great Pond have been moderate and high value for wildlife habitat.
Page 117 - The text has been corrected to differentiate between vernal pool
general functions and the state classification system that uses the term
“Significant Vernal Pools.” (The text at the top of the page is
not a change, but relocated to accommodate a map insert)
Page 118 - Information on rare plants has been corrected and updated.
Page 119 - Text has been added to note that proper road construction and
maintenance is needed to protect wildlife habitats.
Page 126 - A definition of “Prime Farmland Soils” and “Statewide
Important Farmland” has been added.
Page 127 - The Farm, Open Space and Tree Growth tax program language has
been clarified.
Page 135 - Additional archeological sites have been added to the existing