Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Quality service, minimal tax impact remains top goal for new Town Council year

The Town Council on Feb. 13 approved the following goals for the new council year:

Cape Elizabeth Town Council Goals

1. Ensure that quality services and programs are maintained with as minimal impact as possible on the property tax rate.

a. Continue quarterly reviews of expenditures and revenues by the Finance Committee.

b. Set targets for any adjustment in the FY 2007 tax rate prior to budget submissions.

c. Communicate to the Cumberland County commissioners the need to restrain future growth of the county budget.

d. Communicate to state officials the impacts of state decisions on local budgets.

e. Review and use as a resource an updated study that benchmarks the costs of municipal and school services with other communities.

f. Meet with chief elected and appointed officials in surrounding communities to discuss opportunities for regional cooperation and possible expenditure savings.

g. Apply toward property tax relief additional net state revenue resulting from LD 1.

h. Provide a public hearing opportunity on a specific proposal or proposals to raise additional revenue at Fort Williams Park.

i. Plan for possible impacts of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) citizen initiative including providing citizen education and an implementation plan prior to the vote.

2. Increase opportunities for interaction of the Town Council with boards and commissions.

a. Conduct an annual orientation for all board and commission members.

b. Have a council member attend at least one meeting of each board and commission.

3. Continue implementation of the master plan for the Gull Crest trails.

4. Explore ways to enhance recycling in Cape Elizabeth.

a. Meet with the Recycling Committee to determine how recycling education efforts may be enhanced.

b. Implement a universal waste recycling program.

5. Explore opportunities to provide alternative energy to municipal buildings and vehicles.

6. Explore opportunities to improve the landscaping of town and school buildings in the town center zone.

7. Explore opportunities for road safety.

8. Develop a timetable for the review of the report of the Comprehensive Planning Commission.

9. Review a report prepared by the town manager on pay comparability issues.