Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Town Hall to host neighborhood meeting on Spurwink Woods traffic-calming

Developers of the proposed Spurwink Woods subdivision will meet with neighbors to review options for calming traffic that the new development is expected to generate.

The meeting has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 22, in the Town Hall.

The meeting is a condition of preliminary subdivision approval granted by the Planning Board on Feb. 27. Board members directed the developers, Spurwink Woods LLC, to meet with neighbors to find out what methods of slowing traffic are preferable.

Developers Jim McFarlane, Craig Cooper and Skip Murray are proposing a 42-unit subdivision on a 25-acre lot between Killdeer Road and Dermot Drive.

Suggested traffic-calming methods, or methods of slowing traffic, include additional stop signs, speed tables or speed bumps, and "chicanes" - a series of curb extensions on alternating sides of the road designed to slow traffic by creating a curve.

Because the meeting was initiated by the Planning Board, town staff will be issuing invitations to affected neighborhoods.

Before applying for final approval, Spurwink Woods also needs conditional approval from the Town Council on proposed roads, drainage systems and open space. The Planning Board will hold an additional public hearing on the final plans before considering final approval.