Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Fort Williams Pay/Display working group sets first meeting

The working group established by the Town Council to develop a proposal for a possible pay/display system at Fort Williams Park will hold is first meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, at Town Hall.

The eight-member working group was established by the council in April, and includes three councilors: Mary Ann Lynch, Michael Mowles and Anne Swift-Kayatta; three members of the Fort Williams Advisory Commission: Ellen Nadeau, Tina Harnden and Chuck Wilson; and, two citizens, William Nickerson and Michelle Taylor. Lynch will chair the group.

Town Manager Michael McGovern and Public Works Director Robert Malley will serve as staff resources.

The group is working toward the Town Council's goal of holding  a public hearing on a specific proposal or proposals for raising additional revenue at Fort Williams Park. The goal is part of the council's broader aim to continue to provide quality services with as little property-tax impact as possible.

The group is expected to complete its task in no more than three meetings. Dates of future meetings will be set at the first meeting May 16.

At the April 10 meeting of the Town Council, McGovern described a pay/display system as a method of collecting payment and issuing tickets or stickers to visitors who want to park at Fort Williams Park.

McGovern has submitted an informal list of issues that the group will want to address, but other issues may arise. Click here to view list for discussion.

Previous story:

Informal list of issues for discussion by the Fort Williams Pay/Display Working Group:

What is a Pay/Display System?

Features of a Pay Display System

Options for Locations
Which parking areas?
Issue of Tenants
Issue of Picnic Shelter

Options for Time of Enforcement
-Hours of the Day

Methods of Enforcement
Penalties for Non-Use
Collection Methods

Who Pays?
-Lighthouse Volunteers
-Handicapped Plates/Decals
-Military Personnel
-Tour Buses

How Much?
-Season's pass

Projected Revenue
Allocation of Revenues

-Lighthouse Giftshop
-Fort Williams Park
-Town of Cape Elizabeth
-Plaisted Park

Other Issues
-Special Events
-Atlhetic Field Events