Town Of Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth News


Report outlines plan for making Fort Williams financially self-sufficient

The Fort Williams Advisory Commission has submitted a plan for making Fort Williams Park financially self-sufficient.

The Town Council accepted the report at its March 10 meeting, and will take a closer look at it during a workshop session at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 15.

The report says that the commission shares the views of many townspeople that financial self-sufficiency is a worthy and important goal. Recommendations include creation of a Fort Williams Park Charitable Foundation, which would be used to help find park operations and capital expenditures; and, increasing certain fees and tightening some policies relating to the public's use of the park.

An appendix to the report has copies of previous studies.

One of the Town Council's goals for this year is receive and act upon a report from the Fort Williams Advisory Commission relating to sharing the burden of the costs of the Fort with its users.

The commission's report cautions against any "quick fix" for making the park financially self-sufficient, and against actions that may detract from the fundamental beauty and character of the park.