The Town assessor is charged by state law with discovering, describing, and valuing property, as well as the ownership of that property, for the purpose of taxation. Accurate appraisals require constant searching for significant property facts to accumulate and analyze prior to estimating just value or fair market value. The assessor is appointed by the Town Council. Assessments are made on April 1
Desjardins, Nicholas - Tax Assessor
Buchanan, Tammy - Office Manager
McCarthy, Sully - Secretary
The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the local, state, and in some cases, federal regulations that apply to building construction and development as well as inspecting new development and redevelopment in Cape Elizabeth.
McDougal, Benjamin - Code Enforcement Officer
Deslandes, Jake - Assistant Code Enforcement Officer
Buchanan, Tammy - Office Manager
McCarthy, Sully - Secretary
Community Services provides educational, recreational, cultural, social, and wellness opportunities for our community's youth, adults, and seniors as well as oversees individual and group visitor experiences within Fort Williams Park.
Raftice, Kathy - Community Services and Fort Williams Park Director
Bagdasarian, David - Director of Facilities
Responsible for long-range planning, establishing and directing the town's financial related programs, assuring compliance with state and federal regulatory agencies as well as the town's internal management policies and capital and operating budgets.
Bradbury, Kristie D. - Finance Director
The mission of the Cape Elizabeth Police Department is to enhance the quality of life throughout the town of Cape Elizabeth by working cooperatively with all of our citizens to understand and serve the needs of the community, improve the quality of life, recognize and resolve problems, preserve the peace, enforce the law, reduce the perception of fear, and provide a safe and caring environment for all to live, work and recreate.
Fenton, Paul W. - Police Chief
Galvan, David - School Resource Officer
Sinclair, Brent - Police Captain
The public library for the Town of Cape Elizabeth, providing free access to books, audiobooks, movies, and more, both in print and online, as well as a range of public programs and events that foster community learning and engagement.
Davis, Rachel - Library Director
Smith, Megan - Assistant Director/Youth Services Librarian