Thomas Memorial Library Committee

Seven member board
Staggered three-year terms
Committee meets quarterly on the fourth Thursday of January, April, June, and September. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are held at the Thomas Memorial Library.
The Thomas Memorial Library Committee advises the Director of the Thomas Memorial Library of library needs and on the quality and scope of the services provided by the Thomas Memorial Library.  They advocate for adequate support and assist in the formulation of policy.

E-mail Thomas Memorial Library Committee
Staff Contact: Rachel Davis, Director Thomas Memorial Library

Thomas Memorial Library Committee Members:
( New appointments effective 1/1/2023)

Term Expires
Tim Hebda
Scott Mazuzan12/31/2027
Tim Blackstone, Chair
Elizabeth Elliott12/31/2025
Patience Maloney12/31/2025
Reed Dyer12/31/2026
Griff Gilbert12/31/2026

# - Serving unexpired term
* - Serving second/third term

Goals 2019

Meeting Materials

  • Agendas, minutes, supporting documents if available

Meeting Materials Archive

  • 2006-2019

General Information
Rachel Davis
Assistant Director
Megan Smith
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
6 Scott Dyer Road
Cape Elizabeth,