The Town of Cape Elizabeth offers feeds of frequently updated content on our website. Subscribing to one or more of our feeds alerts you to when a web page has been updated.
To make subscribing easy, we have partnered with GovDelivery. Feeds are checked daily and e-mails are sent between 5 and 7 p.m. Eastern time if there is new content.
GovDelivery offers subscriptions to Board & Committee meeting materials, building permits, daily news, E-Newsletters, community events, and more. Easily stay up to date on specific topics of your choice by subscribing. TO SUBSCRIBE: CLICK HERE
You may unsubscribe or modify your subscription any time by following the links included at the bottom of subscription emails.
Engage Cape Elizabeth! is a separate platform that provides residents with comprehensive information on specific town projects and initiatives and opportunities for community engagement. Residents can subscribe to automatic notifications or return to Engage Cape Elizabeth! at their own convenience. To visit Engage Cape Elizabeth!, CLICK HERE.
Please take a moment to fill in the information on the OnSolve CodeRED website in order to be notified by local participating emergency officials in the event of critical situations or important community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, boil water notices, missing people, community alerts and more.
* As of September 1, 2022, Headlines of the Month will no longer be distributed via MailChimp. Click here to access an archive of monthly email campaigns.
In addition, see our Calendar Subscriptions to subscribe to iCal versions of one or all of our calendars.