Do you worry about a loved one who wanders?
The Cape Elizabeth Police Department is developing a database to serve individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, autism or other developmental disability that can make them prone to wander. The database provides a critical network of real-time information, including a photograph, to law enforcement to assist in locating individuals.
To participate, you must register your loved one.
Photos of the individual allow officers to more easily identify him or her if he or she does get lost.
Registration is simple and takes just a few minutes.
Instructions: Please complete the Client Wandering Database Intake Form and attach a recent head and shoulders photo (taken within the last 12 months). You may email the form and photo to the address listed on the intake form instructions, or bring or mail it to the Cape Elizabeth Police Department, 325 Ocean House Road, Cape Elizabeth ME 04107.
Questions/Need Help: Call Community Liaison Officer, 207-767-3323 ext. 208