Fort Williams Park Committee

  • Seven member board
  • Staggered three-year terms
  • Meets at 6 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month, except one summer month (July or August, to be determined by the committee)
  • Meets at the Cape Elizabeth Community Center, 343 Ocean House Road.

Responsibilities include review of use requests, the annual budget document, and advises the Town Council on Fort Williams Park policy issues.

E-mail Fort Williams Park Committee
Staff Contact: Kathy Raftice, Director of Community Services and Fort Williams Park

The town's vision for Fort Williams Park is to provide a safe, high quality space for Cape Elizabeth citizens and visitors to enjoy. We will protect and maintain access to the park's historic elements and natural beauty for this and all future generations, and optimize the town's stewardship by managing the park through financially and ecologically sustainable practices.

Adopted by the Town Council March 12, 2018

Fort Williams Park Committee Members:

Term Expires
Jim Kerney*
Dennis Leiner 12/31/2027
Kenneth D. Pierce 12/31/2025
Lauren Springer12/31/2025
Terrance (Terry) Bagley12/31/2026
Curtis Kelly 12/31/2026
Doreen Johnson Theriault *

# - Serving unexpired term
* - Serving third consecutive term

Meeting Materials

  • Agendas, minutes, supporting documents if available

Meeting Materials Archive

  • Present

General Information
Community Services and Fort Williams Park Director
Kathy Raftice
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
343 Ocean House Road
Cape Elizabeth,

School Vacation Hours
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM