Board of Zoning Appeals

  • Seven member board
  • Quasi-judicial
  • Staggered three-year terms
  • Board meets at 7:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of every month
  • Board meets in the Town Council Chamber, Town Hall
  • Board workshop and site walks are scheduled as needed

Responsibilities include appeal of decisions of the code enforcement officer/building inspector, granting variances to the Zoning Ordinance, approving conditional use permits and multi-unit conversions. Board follows Zoning Ordinance and other state and local statutes in making decisions. Interpretation of these ordinances and statutes required.

E-mail  Board of Zoning Appeals 
Staff Contact: Benjamin McDougal, Code Enforcement Officer

Board of Zoning Appeals Members:

Term Expires
Adam Foster-Webster - CHAIR
Gretchen Noonan12/31/2027
Joseph Barbieri
Diana Chapman12/31/2025
Doreen Blanc Rockstrom12/31/2025
Kevin Justh*
Colin P. Powers

# - Serving unexpired term
* - Serving third consecutive term

Meeting Materials

  • Agendas, minutes, supporting documents if available

Meeting Materials Archive

  • 1988-2019

General Information
Code Enforcement Officer
Benjamin McDougal
Office Manager
Aniko Varadi
Staff Member
Janet L. Staples
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
320 Ocean House Road
Cape Elizabeth,

Tuesday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.