Budget 2020-2021
Budget 2020-2021
Current Status

Current Status

08/24/2020 - Tax Assessor Clinton Swett has completed the tax commitment for fiscal 2021 and set the tax rate at $19.96. Market fluctuation and COVID-19 slowdown in construction contributed to a lower townwide valuation, and slightly higher tax rate, than the $19.86 estimated when the town buget was approved this spring [news article]

07/14/2020 - Cape Elizabeth voters on July 14, 202 approved the $28.5 million school budget for fiscal 2021 adopted by the Town Council by a vote of 2,679 to 881. [news article]

06/16/2020 - The Town Council on June 15, 2020 adopted a $28.5 million school budget for fiscal 2021. Combined with the town budget adopted May 28, the budget poses a tax rate $19.86, a 0.9-percent increase over this year. [pro-forma summary] Validation election for the adopted school budget is Tuesday, July 14. Current Status

06/09/2020 - Following a public hearing, the Town Council on June 8, 2020 scheduled a vote on a $28.5 million school budget proposed for fiscal 2021 for 7 p.m. Monday, June 15 [news article]. The meeting will be held via Zoom videoconference. Links for joining the meeting will be published with the agenda. [meetings calendar]

05/28/2020 - The Town Council will hold a public hearing Monday, June 8, 2020 on a proposed $28.5 million school budget for fiscal 2020-21, with a vote on adoption at a special meeting June 15. [news article]

05/28/2020 - The Town Council voted to approve a $16.8 million budget for town services, as well as a $1.5 million county assessment and special-fund budgets, for 2020-21. [news article]

05/20/2020 - The Town Council is scheduled to vote on a $16.8 million budget for town services for 2020-21 at a special meeting Wednesday, May 27, 2020. [news article]. The meeting will be held by Zoom videoconference beginning at 7 p.m. Links for joining the meeting will be published with the agenda. [meetings calendar]

05/15/2020 - The Town Council will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. Monday, May 18, 2020 on a $16.8 million budget for town services, as well as special funds and county assessment, for fiscal 2021. [news article] Links to join the video conference will be published with the agenda prior to the meeting [Agenda and Supporting Documents]

04/22/2020 - The town has published an updated pro-forma summary of the revised municipal budget proposal

04/22/2020 - The School Board will present a $28.5 million proposed school budget for fiscal 2020-2021 to the Town Council Finance Committee at 7 p.m. Monday, April 27, 2020. The budget is the same adopted by the board April 14 [news article], except for an additional use of undesignated funds to reduce the potential tax impact. [news article]

04/03/2020 - Town Manager Matthew Sturgis has submitted a revised municipal budget proposal to the Town Council for consideration at its Finance Committee meeting slated for 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 8.

04/03/2020 - The Town Council's March 16 and 19 budget workshops have been rescheduled for April 8 and 9, to be held by videoconference. Links to join the meetings will be published on the meeting agendas

03/11/2020 - Town Manager Matthew Sturgis delivered a draft municipal and Community Services budget of $14,218,648 for fiscal 2021, a spending increase of 5.9 percent over fiscal 2020. The amount to be collected from property taxes is proposed to be $7,918,848 which is 4.5 percent more than last year and will provide a net-to-taxes increase of 3.9 percent. The Town Council, acting as the Finance Committee, will review the proposal in a televised workshop at 7 p.m. March 16.

02/04/2020 - The state Department of Education is projecting $1.73 million in assistance for Cape Elizabeth schools, up 2.1 percent from the 2020 level [news article]

01/22/2020 - The School Board has begun to review its budget proposal. See school website for budget documents

11/26/2019 - Draft municipal department budgets due to town manager Feb. 14, 2020

Budget Meeting & Adoption Schedules 2020-2021

Town Council

As of 04/30/2020

All council meetings at Town Hall, 320 Ocean House Road. (Until further notice all meetings after March 16 will be held via Zoom videoconference. Agendas with instructions for joining will be posted on the website calendar).

FY 2021

Budget Submittal Dates

Draft Municipal department budgets due to town manager

Friday, February 14, 2020

Not a meeting

Manager's recommended Municipal budget delivered  to Town Council

Friday, March 6, 2020

Not a meeting

School Board recommended budget delivered to Town Council

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Not a meeting

Per charter due to town manager at least 75 days before beginning of the budget year.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Meetings During Budget Review Period

Regular March Town Council Meeting

Monday, March 9, 2020

7:00 p.m.

Finance Committee Review of Accounts 100, 200, 400, 500, 710

Monday, March 16, 2020 Postponed to April 8 - virtual meeting

7:00 p.m.

Finance Committee Review of Municipal 300, 600-635,  640-670 and Special Funds

Thursday, March 19, 2020 Postponed to April 9 - virtual meeting

7:00 p.m.

Regular Town Council Meeting Including Opportunity for Budget Public Comments

Monday, April 13, 2020

7:00 p.m.

School Vacation Week

April 17 - April 24

Finance Committee School Budget Presentation from School Board 6 p.m.

Monday, April 27, 2020

6:00 p.m.

Finance Committee Wrapup (if needed)

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

7:00 p.m.

Special Town Council Meeting - Budget Public Hearing

Canceled Monday, May 4, 2020

7:00 p.m.

Regular Town Council Meeting - Set Public Hearings

Monday, May 11, 2020

7:00 p.m.

Public Hearing Town portion of the Municipal Budget Monday, May 18, 2020 7:00 p.m.
Special Town Council Meeting - Vote on Town portion of the Municipal Budget Monday, May 27, 2020 7:00 p.m.
Special Town Council Meeting - Vote on School Budget (Public Hearing TBD) Monday, June 15, 2020 TBD

School Budget Validation Vote

Citizen Vote on Town Council Adopted School Budget

July 14, 2020

Approved Dec. 9, 2019

School Board

As of 04/30/2020

(Until further notice all meetings after March 16 will be held via Zoom videoconference. Agendas with instructions for joining will be posted on the website calendar).

Tuesday, January 14, 6:30
PM- 8:30PM

Regular School Board Business  Meeting:
Enrollment numbers, state subsidy history, pie chart of FY19-20 school department budget will be presented. Goal setting for the budget.

Town Council Chambers
(will be videotaped)

Tuesday, January 21, 5 PM-

School Board Extended  Budget Workshop:
During this extended workshop administrators and department heads will
present their budgets to the School Board.

CEHS  Library (will be videotaped)

Thursday, January 23, 6:30
PM 8:30PM

Continued Budget Presentations by Administrators (if needed)

CEHS Library
(will be videotaped)

Wednesday, January 29, 7 PM-9PM

Audit Report for Municipal & CESD:
During this meeting, Runyon Kersteen Ouellette accountants will review their report.

Jordan  Conference Room, Town Council

Tuesday, February 11, 6:30
PM- 8:30PM

Regular School Board Business Meeting

Town  Council Chambers
(will be videotaped)

Monday, February 14- Friday February 21 CESD Winter Vacation

Tuesday, February 25, 6:30
PM- 8:30PM

School Board Budget Workshop Q&A:
During this workshop, state subsidy estimate (ED279) will be announced and School Board will begin intensive review of budget with Q&A from all dept heads.

CEHS Library & Learning
(will be videotaped)

Tuesday, March 3, 6:30PM-

School Board Budget Workshop Q&A:
Continuation of School Board's  review of budget

Town  Council Chambers
(will be videotaped)

Tuesday, March 10, 6:30
PM- 8:30PM

Regular School Board Business Meeting

Town  Council Chambers
(will be videotaped)

Wednesday, March 11, 6:30PM-

School Board Budget Workshop Q&A:
Continuation of School Board's  review of budget

Middle School Library
(will be videotaped)

Wednesday, March 16, 7
PM-9PM Postponed to April 8 - virtual meeting

Town Council Municipal Budget Workshop:
School Board is invited to attend

Jordan  Conference Room

Thursday, March 19, 7 PM-
9PM Postponed to April 9 - virtual meeting

Town Council Municipal Budget Workshop:
School Board is invited to attend

Jordan Conference Room

Tuesday, March 24, 6:30

School Board Budget Workshop Q&A:
Continuation of School Board's  review of budget

To be held by video conference. Public connection information to come.

Tuesday, April 7th, 6:30PM-

Special School Board Budget Workshop:
During this workshop health insurance rates will be provided and discussed. Final opportunity for Q & A of overall budget.

To be held by video conference. Public connection information to come.

Tuesday, April 14th, 6:30PM-8:30PM

Regular School Board Business Meeting and Adoption of CESD Budget: During this business meeting the School Board will vote on adopting the proposed budget  for FY21

To be held by video conference. Public connection information to come.

Wednesday, April 15 Delivery of School Board Budget  Binders to Town Council
Friday, April 17-Friday, April 24 CESD  Spring Vacation
Monday, April 27th, 6:00 PM School Board FY21 Budget Presentation to the Town Council: During this meeting, the School Board will present  the recently adopted proposed budget with follow up from the Town  Councilors. To be held by video conference. Public connection information to come.
Tuesday, April 28, 6:30PM-8:30PM School Board Workshop: Agenda TBD  - canceled
Tuesday, April 28, 6:30PM-8:30PM Council  Finance Committee Wrap  up: (if needed)  To be held by video conference. Public connection information to come.
Monday, May 18, Time TBD Town Council Public Hearing on Budget: During this meeting, Town Councilors will receive direct input and comments from the public on the Municipal and School Board budgets. To be held by video conference. Public connection information to come.
Tuesday, May 12, 6:30PM-8:30PM Regular School Board Business Meeting: During this meeting the School Board will discuss any possible adjustments to the FY21 budget if needed as a result of the Town Council's May 11 vote To be held by video conference. Public connection information to come.
Tuesday, May 26, 6:30PM-8:30PM School Board Workshop: Agenda TBD CEHS Library & Learning
Commons (will be videotaped)
Tusday, July 14 Cape Elizabeth Citizens Vote:
Referendum on CESD Budget and possible state proposals
Tuesday, June 9, 6:30PM-8:30PM Regular School Board Business Meeting: Last one of the year. Town Council Chambers (will be videotaped)


Overall Municipal Budget 2020-2021 Documents

Includes Town, School, County budgets

 School Budget 2020-2021 Documents


Overall Budget Videos

School Budget Videos

Municipal Budget Videos