Community Services provides a versatile community education program offering educational, cultural, recreational and social enrichment opportunities for a wide segment of the citizenry
Our mission is to ensure that all of our students develop the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes to become successful individuals and citizens.
CETV is Cape Elizabeth's Public Access Television Channel. It can be viewed on Spectrum Cable Channel 1302 in Cape Elizabeth.
The public library for the Town of Cape Elizabeth, providing free access to books, audiobooks, movies, and more, both in print and online, as well as a range of public programs and events that foster community learning and engagement
The town uses GovDelivery, a free email marketing service, to deliver a monthly newsletter. Subscriptions to daily news, boards and committees, and community events are available on an individual basis. As of September 1, 2022, Headlines of the Month will no longer be distributed via MailChimp. Click here to access an archive of monthly email campaigns.